Pool Fencing in Maryland – Requirements for Pool Safety

by | May 8, 2014 | Metal Fencing, Pool Fencing, Privacy Fencing, Vinyl Fencing, Wood Fencing

Pool Fencing in MarylandAs the weather gets warmer, our minds turn to all of the joys that warm weather brings. Time spent outdoors soaking in the summer sun, biking, hiking, barbeques and if you’re one of the lucky ones, time spent swimming in your own relaxing pool.

Pools offer a way to spend quality time outdoors with family and friends. They help to ensure that kids get outside and get exercise, and for adults they offer a variety of healthy benefits as well.

If you have or are considering installing a pool in your yard, first and foremost you will want to be sure that it is safe. Not only should the pool itself be installed by a licensed contractor, it must have a protective barrier to help prevent accidents.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission’s “Guidelines for Swimming Pool Barriers,” offers helpful advice on pool safety through proper pool fencing. According to the guide, “A fence completely surrounding the pool is better than one with the house serving as the fourth side. Fences should be a minimum of 4 feet high, although fences 5 feet or higher are preferable. A successful pool barrier prevents a child from getting OVER, UNDER, or THROUGH and keeps the child from gaining access to the pool except when supervising adults are present.”

Tri County Fence & Decks knows what it takes to install proper pool fencing in Maryland. Our experts can advise you on the best fence styles to meet all of your pool safety and privacy needs. Contact us today to learn more about our pool fencing installation. 301-916-2205.