You love animals. Your animals are like members of your family. So naturally keeping them safe is a high priority. Whether your animals are domestic or farm animals, Tri County Fence and Decks knows about keeping animals safe with fencing.
Dog Fencing
In Maryland there are laws that require dogs that are “at large” be on a leash. Maryland’s “Animal At Large Law” says that a dog is considered at large “if it is outside the owner’s premises and not leashed, unless it is a service dog, is in a dog exercise area designated by the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, or is participating in an approved activity.” While many dogs are well-behaved and listen to their owners when they tell them to stay in their yard, all too often dogs are distracted by other animals, people, vehicles – anything that might look fun for them to run to. When that happens, dogs can exit your property and potentially pose a threat to himself or others.
To keep your dog safe and inside your property lines while still allowing him to run free, it is a good idea to fence your yard, or a portion of your yard. This allows your beloved doggy to run and play without having to worry that he might run off. Depending on the size of your dog (and how high he can jump), there are many stylish fence options available. If you prefer the minimalistic look of split rail fencing, you can still keep your dog confined by adding wire fencing behind the wood rails. Or if your dog gets overly excited by what he sees outside the fence, you may want to choose privacy fencing to minimize barking, digging and general excitability. Whatever you choose, you are sure to keep your dog safe, and give yourself peace of mind.
Farm Animal Fencing
If you have farm animals, chances are there are predators in your area that know it. Chickens, peacocks, swans, ducks and goats are particularly at risk for being the target of a wild animal attack. Maryland is home to a wide range of predators including eagles, hawks, opossum, fox, and even coyote and bobcats. If you live in the western part of the state, you may even have black bear to worry about.
There are many ways to help keep your farm animals safe. Providing a secure locked barn for them to spend their time in after dark, motion activated lights, and securing the perimeter of your animals’ area with secure fencing will all help keep your animals safe and sound. In addition to keeping predators out with farm fencing, you also want to keep your animals from getting out. Goats in particular are masters at escape! The experts at Tri County Fence & Decks are farmers themselves, and know first-hand the best fencing for your farm animals.
If you are interested in learning more about dog fencing or farm fencing in Maryland, contact us today at 301-916-2205.