Farm Fencing in Carroll County – Project Spotlight

by | Aug 30, 2017 | Farm Fencing Maryland, Fencing Maryland, Maryland Home Improvements

With our location in rural Clarksburg, Maryland being in close proximity to many area farms, farm fencing has become a specialty. Farming is gaining popularity not only with families who have grown up on farms, but with a new breed of ‘backyard farmers’. From small flocks of chickens to small herds of goats, llamas and alpacas, even those with modest plots of land are finding farming fun and rewarding. Such was the case with the farm fencing in our latest Project Spotlight.

Farm Fencing for Goats in MarylandWhen the McCurry family in Carroll County, Maryland decided to get some pet goats as their foray into farming, they turned to Tri County Fence & Decks. They had trusted Tri County with their pool fence in 2015 and looked no further when having their farm fence installed.

The fence chosen was a 3-board estate wood fence, with black coated wire fencing on the back.  Goats are notorious escape artists, so the wire fencing was a must! Additionally, the wire fencing was trenched into the ground to prevent dogs and other critters from getting in.

The Tri County fence crew completed the project in less than one day, and the McCurry’s and their new additions are very happy. Check out the project photos in the gallery below.
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